The Latest Headlines (Site updated January 23, 2025)
NEW Effective January 1, 2025 Assessment are $220.00 per month.
Assessment payments can now be paid using your credit or debit card. There is a $6 additional fee per transaction to use this service.
The link to the payment portal is:
Assessment payments and other correspondence should be mailed to: PO Box 805, Albany OR 97321.
Effective February 2024 - Community management is handled by Fleming Propties in Albany. See below for contact information.
It is individual owner responsibility to ensure dryer vents are properly vented through the roof vent and are periodically cleaned of accumulated dryer lint.
You MUST leave a window open when using the gas fireplace in your home. (Read why...)
If you discover water leaking into your home (usually around windows), immediatly contact Fleming Properties via email or phone at the contact information below.
Trash cans and recycling containers MUST be kept out of view. The Board can fine violators $15 per day!
Satellite dishes and broadcast TV aerials REQUIRE ARC approval, and must be installed in specified places. (Read details...)
Please note: FIREPITS ARE PROHIBITED by the City of Corvallis. Please immediately remove any firepits currently installed in the Meadows at Timberhill community.
Check out the Meadows Encyclopedia for additional useful information. (Go to the Encyclopedia.)
Title Company Inquiries
All Title Company inquiries should go directly to Fleming Properties via:
Owners and tenants should be aware of emergency preparedness and evacuation alert systems which can be suscribed to through the City of Corvallis and the Benton County Sheriff's Office.